Callisto recognizes and transforms Solana Blink URLs into executable Action UIs. Users are also able to create their own Blinks.
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Callisto recognizes and transforms Solana Blink URLs into executable Action UIs. Users are also able to create their own Blinks.
Last updated
Callisto supports Solana Action Blinks. Callisto automatically transforms any Blink URL into an Action UI which can be executed by users with a Callisto wallet. Press one of the buttons on the Action UI to execute it.
Admins of a server can turn off the Blink conversion, meaning Blink URLs will not get converted into Action UIs anymore (This will affect the whole server). For that use the /admin command and then select "Blinks Conversion".
You can create your own Blink with Callisto. For that use the /start command and press the "Blinks" button and then "Create Blink". Currently you can choose between 3 different Blink types:
Donation (Tips)
Token Swap
After selecting a Blink type a Blink will be created for you. Press the "Add Action" button to add a button to your Blink. Tap the "Create Blink" button to finish the Blink creation and receive your Blink URL. This URL can then be shared online. You are also able to edit and delete your Blink after creating it.